Monocle Pop-up Shop @ Taiwan


  • Monocle
  • Nonezero

Business value

U.S. $115 million



  • Book-signing promote event
  • Store display 
  • Website-Online shop 
  • Marketing Social media  


  • Website
  • Stand-alone landing pages
  • Events
  • Social media infleunce 

Project amount 

  • $ 250,000 NTD

Color & Imagery




Monocle’s unmistakable sense of aesthetics and journalistic professionalism has made it one of the most successful magazines of the past decade.

Launched in 2007, Monocle started as a premier magazine that focuses on international affairs, global trends, innovative business models, cultural influences, and design aesthetics and beyond.

Monocle first started as magazine, and quickly expanded into an entity with magazine,book publishing, web broadcastand global retail divisions. From London headquarters,

Midori House in Marylebone, and has bureaux in New York, Zurich,Tokyo and Hong Kong.

Led by editor in chief, founder and chairman, Tyler Brûlé. 

We at Nonzero are very excited to announce Taipei’s first Monocle pop-up shop will open in October 2014.

The highly anticipated line from official Monocle store, each itemhandpicked by Tyler Brûlé, with his exquisite taste and attention to details and craftsmanship. Follow our page for more detailed updates.

Book-signing event